✔️ artifact 재사용 - 역할 Roles — Ansible Documentation Role dependencies let you automatically pull in other roles when using a role. Ansible does not execute role dependencies when you include or import a role. You must use the roles keyword if you want Ansible to execute role dependencies. Role dependencies docs.ansible.com 역할이 정의되어 있는 파일의 구조를 tree 명령어로 확인해보자 [vagrant@controller 0419]$ tree . ├── ..
✔️ 작업 재사용 Re-using Ansible artifacts — Ansible Documentation Re-using Ansible artifacts You can write a simple playbook in one very large file, and most users learn the one-file approach first. However, breaking tasks up into different files is an excellent way to organize complex sets of tasks and reuse them. Small docs.ansible.com [vagrant@controller 09_artifact_tasks]$ ansible-doc -l | grep i..