✔️ 작업 재사용 Re-using Ansible artifacts — Ansible Documentation Re-using Ansible artifacts You can write a simple playbook in one very large file, and most users learn the one-file approach first. However, breaking tasks up into different files is an excellent way to organize complex sets of tasks and reuse them. Small docs.ansible.com [vagrant@controller 09_artifact_tasks]$ ansible-doc -l | grep i..
✔️ 작업 제어 ✔️ step 특정 작업에서 오류가 나는데 해결이 안되거나 이전 작업에서 영향이 있는 것 같다고 판단했을 때 step을 이용해 한 줄씩 실행하면서 확인 해볼 수 있다. [vagrant@controller 06_tags]$ ansible-playbook test.yaml --step PLAY [play1] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************..
✔️ 블록 Blocks — Ansible Documentation Blocks create logical groups of tasks. Blocks also offer ways to handle task errors, similar to exception handling in many programming languages. All tasks in a block inherit directives applied at the block level. Most of what you can apply to a single tas docs.ansible.com 블록 - 여러 작업을 묶어놓은 그룹 ✔️ 블록의 기능 1. 여러 작업에 공통의 키워드를 부여할 수 있음 (ex. 조건문) tasks: - name: Inst..